Sunday, June 8, 2008

The all important intro

We'll this is my first foray into the world of the blog, only what? Five maybe seven years behind the curve? Well I can't really do much about that now, but at least I can maybe add the ever-expanding world of internet clutter.

What can I say? It beats wasting paper; and someone who once spent a lot of money seeing a therapist told me I should keep some sort of journal. Figuring that was advice the therapist gave them, and they most likely paid good money for that advice , I should follow it. Either that or I was listening to a bi-polar person off their meds. Turns out both are true, so here I find myself.

As for the little title of my blog, it simply goes back to what my father habitually told me whenever I'd screw something up as kid (which was frequent, to say the least) i.e. You'd be dangerous if ever pull your head out of your ass, You'd be dangerous if you could figure out that math is useful etc. Not sure what he meant by dangerous, but considering some of the crap I was pulling as a kid, it's probably a good I never did pull my head out of my ass, or I might have lit atmosphere on fire or spontaneously combusted by now.

Something that must be considered if you choose to waste time reading my incoherent ramblings; is that I can't spell, usually ignore the spell check and, am generally a horrible writer. So maybe this exercise will do some good. As I heard somewhere, your never useless in this world, you can always be a bad example.